Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
The various Bcc protocol parameters, including:
- the current values of updateable protocol parameters:
- updates to protocol parameters:
- update proposals that can be embedded in transactions:
- parameters fixed in the genesis file:
- data ProtocolParameters = ProtocolParameters {
- protocolParamProtocolVersion ∷ (Natural, Natural)
- protocolParamDecentralization ∷ Rational
- protocolParamExtraOptimumEntropy ∷ Maybe OptimumNonce
- protocolParamMaxBlockHeaderSize ∷ Natural
- protocolParamMaxBlockBodySize ∷ Natural
- protocolParamMaxTxSize ∷ Natural
- protocolParamTxFeeFixed ∷ Natural
- protocolParamTxFeePerByte ∷ Natural
- protocolParamMinUTxOValue ∷ Maybe Entropic
- protocolParamStakeAddressDeposit ∷ Entropic
- protocolParamStakePoolDeposit ∷ Entropic
- protocolParamMinPoolCost ∷ Entropic
- protocolParamPoolRetireMaxEpoch ∷ EpochNo
- protocolParamStakePoolTargetNum ∷ Natural
- protocolParamPoolPledgeInfluence ∷ Rational
- protocolParamMonetaryExpansion ∷ Rational
- protocolParamTreasuryCut ∷ Rational
- protocolParamUTxOCostPerWord ∷ Maybe Entropic
- protocolParamCostModels ∷ Map AnyZerepochScriptVersion CostModel
- protocolParamPrices ∷ Maybe ExecutionUnitPrices
- protocolParamMaxTxExUnits ∷ Maybe ExecutionUnits
- protocolParamMaxBlockExUnits ∷ Maybe ExecutionUnits
- protocolParamMaxValueSize ∷ Maybe Natural
- protocolParamCollateralPercent ∷ Maybe Natural
- protocolParamMaxCollateralInputs ∷ Maybe Natural
- checkProtocolParameters ∷ ∀ era. IsBccEra era ⇒ SophieBasedEra era → ProtocolParameters → Either ProtocolParametersError ()
- data ProtocolParametersError
- data EpochNo
- data ProtocolParametersUpdate = ProtocolParametersUpdate {
- protocolUpdateProtocolVersion ∷ Maybe (Natural, Natural)
- protocolUpdateDecentralization ∷ Maybe Rational
- protocolUpdateExtraOptimumEntropy ∷ Maybe (Maybe OptimumNonce)
- protocolUpdateMaxBlockHeaderSize ∷ Maybe Natural
- protocolUpdateMaxBlockBodySize ∷ Maybe Natural
- protocolUpdateMaxTxSize ∷ Maybe Natural
- protocolUpdateTxFeeFixed ∷ Maybe Natural
- protocolUpdateTxFeePerByte ∷ Maybe Natural
- protocolUpdateMinUTxOValue ∷ Maybe Entropic
- protocolUpdateStakeAddressDeposit ∷ Maybe Entropic
- protocolUpdateStakePoolDeposit ∷ Maybe Entropic
- protocolUpdateMinPoolCost ∷ Maybe Entropic
- protocolUpdatePoolRetireMaxEpoch ∷ Maybe EpochNo
- protocolUpdateStakePoolTargetNum ∷ Maybe Natural
- protocolUpdatePoolPledgeInfluence ∷ Maybe Rational
- protocolUpdateMonetaryExpansion ∷ Maybe Rational
- protocolUpdateTreasuryCut ∷ Maybe Rational
- protocolUpdateUTxOCostPerWord ∷ Maybe Entropic
- protocolUpdateCostModels ∷ Map AnyZerepochScriptVersion CostModel
- protocolUpdatePrices ∷ Maybe ExecutionUnitPrices
- protocolUpdateMaxTxExUnits ∷ Maybe ExecutionUnits
- protocolUpdateMaxBlockExUnits ∷ Maybe ExecutionUnits
- protocolUpdateMaxValueSize ∷ Maybe Natural
- protocolUpdateCollateralPercent ∷ Maybe Natural
- protocolUpdateMaxCollateralInputs ∷ Maybe Natural
- data OptimumNonce
- makeOptimumNonce ∷ ByteString → OptimumNonce
- data ExecutionUnits = ExecutionUnits {}
- data ExecutionUnitPrices = ExecutionUnitPrices {}
- newtype CostModel = CostModel (Map Text Integer)
- validateCostModel ∷ ZerepochScriptVersion lang → CostModel → Either InvalidCostModel ()
- data UpdateProposal = UpdateProposal !(Map (Hash GenesisKey) ProtocolParametersUpdate) !EpochNo
- makeSophieUpdateProposal ∷ ProtocolParametersUpdate → [Hash GenesisKey] → EpochNo → UpdateProposal
- toLedgerUpdate ∷ ∀ era ledgerera. SophieLedgerEra era ~ ledgerera ⇒ Crypto ledgerera ~ StandardCrypto ⇒ SophieBasedEra era → UpdateProposal → Update ledgerera
- fromLedgerUpdate ∷ ∀ era ledgerera. SophieLedgerEra era ~ ledgerera ⇒ Crypto ledgerera ~ StandardCrypto ⇒ SophieBasedEra era → Update ledgerera → UpdateProposal
- toLedgerProposedPPUpdates ∷ ∀ era ledgerera. SophieLedgerEra era ~ ledgerera ⇒ Crypto ledgerera ~ StandardCrypto ⇒ SophieBasedEra era → Map (Hash GenesisKey) ProtocolParametersUpdate → ProposedPPUpdates ledgerera
- fromLedgerProposedPPUpdates ∷ ∀ era ledgerera. SophieLedgerEra era ~ ledgerera ⇒ Crypto ledgerera ~ StandardCrypto ⇒ SophieBasedEra era → ProposedPPUpdates ledgerera → Map (Hash GenesisKey) ProtocolParametersUpdate
- toLedgerPParams ∷ SophieBasedEra era → ProtocolParameters → PParams (SophieLedgerEra era)
- fromLedgerPParams ∷ SophieBasedEra era → PParams (SophieLedgerEra era) → ProtocolParameters
- fromSophiePParams ∷ PParams ledgerera → ProtocolParameters
- toAurumPrices ∷ ExecutionUnitPrices → Maybe Prices
- fromAurumPrices ∷ Prices → ExecutionUnitPrices
- toAurumScriptLanguage ∷ AnyZerepochScriptVersion → Language
- fromAurumScriptLanguage ∷ Language → AnyZerepochScriptVersion
- toAurumCostModel ∷ CostModel → CostModel
- fromAurumCostModel ∷ CostModel → CostModel
- data family AsType t
The updateable protocol paramaters
data ProtocolParameters Source #
The values of the set of updateable protocol paramaters. At any particular point on the chain there is a current set of paramaters in use.
These paramaters can be updated (at epoch boundaries) via an
, which contains a ProtocolParametersUpdate
The ProtocolParametersUpdate
is essentially a diff for the
There are also paramaters fixed in the Genesis file. See GenesisParameters
ProtocolParameters | |
checkProtocolParameters ∷ ∀ era. IsBccEra era ⇒ SophieBasedEra era → ProtocolParameters → Either ProtocolParametersError () Source #
data ProtocolParametersError Source #
Show ProtocolParametersError Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.ProtocolParameters | |
Error ProtocolParametersError Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.ProtocolParameters Methods |
Updates to the protocol paramaters
data ProtocolParametersUpdate Source #
The representation of a change in the ProtocolParameters
ProtocolParametersUpdate | |
Eq ProtocolParametersUpdate Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.ProtocolParameters | |
Show ProtocolParametersUpdate Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.ProtocolParameters | |
Semigroup ProtocolParametersUpdate Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.ProtocolParameters | |
Monoid ProtocolParametersUpdate Source # | |
FromCBOR ProtocolParametersUpdate Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.ProtocolParameters Methods fromCBOR ∷ Decoder s ProtocolParametersUpdate # | |
ToCBOR ProtocolParametersUpdate Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.ProtocolParameters Methods toCBOR ∷ ProtocolParametersUpdate → Encoding # encodedSizeExpr ∷ (∀ t. ToCBOR t ⇒ Proxy t → Size) → Proxy ProtocolParametersUpdate → Size # encodedListSizeExpr ∷ (∀ t. ToCBOR t ⇒ Proxy t → Size) → Proxy [ProtocolParametersUpdate] → Size # |
data OptimumNonce Source #
Execution units, prices and cost models,
data ExecutionUnits Source #
The units for how long a script executes for and how much memory it uses. This is used to declare the resources used by a particular use of a script.
This type is also used to describe the limits for the maximum overall execution units per transaction or per block.
ExecutionUnits | |
Eq ExecutionUnits Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.Script Methods (==) ∷ ExecutionUnits → ExecutionUnits → Bool Source # (/=) ∷ ExecutionUnits → ExecutionUnits → Bool Source # | |
Show ExecutionUnits Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.Script | |
FromJSON ExecutionUnits Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.Script | |
ToJSON ExecutionUnits Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.Script Methods toJSON ∷ ExecutionUnits → Value # toEncoding ∷ ExecutionUnits → Encoding # toJSONList ∷ [ExecutionUnits] → Value # toEncodingList ∷ [ExecutionUnits] → Encoding # | |
FromCBOR ExecutionUnits Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.Script | |
ToCBOR ExecutionUnits Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.Script Methods toCBOR ∷ ExecutionUnits → Encoding # encodedSizeExpr ∷ (∀ t. ToCBOR t ⇒ Proxy t → Size) → Proxy ExecutionUnits → Size # encodedListSizeExpr ∷ (∀ t. ToCBOR t ⇒ Proxy t → Size) → Proxy [ExecutionUnits] → Size # |
data ExecutionUnitPrices Source #
The prices for ExecutionUnits
as a fraction of a Entropic
These are used to determine the fee for the use of a script within a
transaction, based on the ExecutionUnits
needed by the use of the script.
ExecutionUnitPrices | |
Eq CostModel Source # | |
Show CostModel Source # | |
FromJSON CostModel Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.ProtocolParameters | |
ToJSON CostModel Source # | |
Defined in Bcc.Api.ProtocolParameters Methods toEncoding ∷ CostModel → Encoding # toJSONList ∷ [CostModel] → Value # toEncodingList ∷ [CostModel] → Encoding # | |
FromCBOR CostModel Source # | |
ToCBOR CostModel Source # | |
validateCostModel ∷ ZerepochScriptVersion lang → CostModel → Either InvalidCostModel () Source #
Update proposals to change the protocol paramaters
data UpdateProposal Source #
UpdateProposal !(Map (Hash GenesisKey) ProtocolParametersUpdate) !EpochNo |
makeSophieUpdateProposal ∷ ProtocolParametersUpdate → [Hash GenesisKey] → EpochNo → UpdateProposal Source #
Internal conversion functions
toLedgerUpdate ∷ ∀ era ledgerera. SophieLedgerEra era ~ ledgerera ⇒ Crypto ledgerera ~ StandardCrypto ⇒ SophieBasedEra era → UpdateProposal → Update ledgerera Source #
fromLedgerUpdate ∷ ∀ era ledgerera. SophieLedgerEra era ~ ledgerera ⇒ Crypto ledgerera ~ StandardCrypto ⇒ SophieBasedEra era → Update ledgerera → UpdateProposal Source #
toLedgerProposedPPUpdates ∷ ∀ era ledgerera. SophieLedgerEra era ~ ledgerera ⇒ Crypto ledgerera ~ StandardCrypto ⇒ SophieBasedEra era → Map (Hash GenesisKey) ProtocolParametersUpdate → ProposedPPUpdates ledgerera Source #
fromLedgerProposedPPUpdates ∷ ∀ era ledgerera. SophieLedgerEra era ~ ledgerera ⇒ Crypto ledgerera ~ StandardCrypto ⇒ SophieBasedEra era → ProposedPPUpdates ledgerera → Map (Hash GenesisKey) ProtocolParametersUpdate Source #
toLedgerPParams ∷ SophieBasedEra era → ProtocolParameters → PParams (SophieLedgerEra era) Source #
fromLedgerPParams ∷ SophieBasedEra era → PParams (SophieLedgerEra era) → ProtocolParameters Source #
fromSophiePParams ∷ PParams ledgerera → ProtocolParameters Source #
toAurumPrices ∷ ExecutionUnitPrices → Maybe Prices Source #
fromAurumPrices ∷ Prices → ExecutionUnitPrices Source #
toAurumScriptLanguage ∷ AnyZerepochScriptVersion → Language Source #
fromAurumScriptLanguage ∷ Language → AnyZerepochScriptVersion Source #
toAurumCostModel ∷ CostModel → CostModel Source #
fromAurumCostModel ∷ CostModel → CostModel Source #
Data family instances
A family of singleton types used in this API to indicate which type to use where it would otherwise be ambiguous or merely unclear.
Values of this type are passed to deserialisation functions for example.